Les visiteurs affluent au Quesnoy pour les commémorations de l’Anzac

Across four days of Anzac events, Le Quesnoy and Te Arawhata was jam packed with locals, Kiwis, and dignitaries.

From April 25 to April 28 hundreds of visitors took part in a series of remembrance activities – from guided tours of the museum and the town’s ramparts through to a classic, and very casual, Kiwi BBQ on Anzac Day evening. 

Defence Minister Judith Collins – on her second visit to Le Quesnoy – toured the museum on Anzac Day and was touched by the stories and exhibits. 

It was also a busy time for the museum team with preparations for the special Te Arawhata Anzac Dinner on Saturday and the official Le Quesnoy Anzac ceremony on Sunday.    

“It is the enduring friendship between New Zealand and the people of Le Quesnoy and France that make Anzac commemorations so special,” says Museum Manager Josh Hansen.

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