Museum Director’s Letter

This month has been full of rich opportunities for cultural exchange, be it with French school students discovering life growing up in New Zealand or German visitors from Ratingen, sister city of Le Quesnoy Te Arawhata is brought to life through these opportunities to recount stories, reflect on the past and our shared human experiences.

As the sun beats down in New Zealand and the first snowflakes fall in Le Quesnoy, there is nothing better than the contrasting experiences of Christmas to incite curiosity, learning and excitement amongst visitors, friends and colleagues And while the barbeque and beach may seem a long way from what we’re serving up in Le Quesnoy, Christmas also reminds us of what unites us 

On Christmas 1914, soldiers from both sides paused fighting to exchange greetings, share rations and even sing together.  This important moment in our history, when humanity took precedence over the violence of war, is a powerful symbol of the Christmas spirit: a showing of solidarity and the ability to find the light in the darkest moments.  

I hope that this Christmas can serve as a reminder of the humanity that unites us all, in France, New Zealand and the world over.  

Joyeux Noël, meri kirihimete, merry Christmas to all ! 

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